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24" Music Desk

610mm height 

30" Music Desk

755mm height 

40" Music Desk

1013mm height 

what size should i choose?

From experience, we find that the following sizes are recommended.

40”/1013mm stand For standing players - Trumpet: Bass: Guitar: Vocals: MD

30”/755mm stand For seated players : Sax: Drums : Trombone: Guitar

24”/610mm stand For seated players, younger children, and often preferred by trombone players as the slide can easily move over the top of the stand when space is an issue. Some saxophone players like these as they are fairly low.

It’s worth noting that the 24” can be a little too low for players who may need to lean over to read the music in dim lighting conditions. Their backs, lungs, and eyes will thank you for a 30” stand.

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The incredible James Williams putting up his
BBS stands, and performing with his Orchestra.


What size stands should I choose for my band?

It's really important to us that you get the stands that are perfect for your needs - please call us and we'll advise on the perfect fit!

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